Sketchbook Studies


Since the last week of March I have been participating in Ten Days of Doodles with Apsi hosted by @thedoodleguide on instagram. The idea behind the challenge was to learn how to doodle but with a purpose which could range from for fun to developing new skills to visual note taking or even creative journaling. The purpose would be defined by the creator of the doodles. 

During the 10 days we were given doodle how-to posts and prompts for each day as well as tips and tricks on how to strengthen muscle memory and how to use basic strokes and shapes to create our own fun and unique doodles. 

There was a lot packed into one day so I did fall behind on a few days but I am happy to say that I did complete each day. Here is a look at a few of the spreads I completed using various colored BIC ballpoint pens. 
basic doodles
basic doodles
hand doodles
bubble doodles

arrow doodles

If you would like to see all of my sketchbook spreads for this challenge please feel free to have a look at my Ten Days of Doodles story highlight on my instagram @acorneliadesigns

Until next time, let inspiration find you!
A. Cornelia
