How to Make Thumbtack Art

thumbtack art

I stumbled upon this DIY Ampersand Art from LiveLoveDIY while browsing Dollar Store Crafts blog and I instantly knew I just had to make something similar. It definitely takes typography art to a new level. Of all things to do to a canvas, it never crossed my mind to embellish it with thumbtacks. 

If you would like to know how to make the piece above for yourself just continue reading. 

8x10 stretch blank canvas
 Containers of silver thumbtacks 
Printout of "LOVE" letters (I used bold Georgia font in size 300)
Embossing/tracing tool

1) Taking your pencil and "LOVE" printout - flip the printout over and using the pencil trace or sketch over the outline of the letters.
2) Flip the printout over right side up and place on the canvas in a position you like. Now grab your embossing/tracing tool and begin tracing the outline of the letters. 
3) On to the fun part, started filling in the outline with thumbtacks. I chose to outline the letters first in a straight line. A little force was needed in some areas were the outline overlapped the wooden frame of the stretched canvas.
4) Once the outline is complete, simply fill in the remaining blank space in rows.
5) Just because...I decided to add thumbtacks along the sides of the canvas for just a little added detailing.
6) Now you have a finished thumbtack piece ready for display!

thumbtack art

thumbtack art

Keep in mind, the canvas can be painted, embellished or designed anyway you like. Just let your imagination run wild. 

Until next time, let inspiration find you!
A. Cornelia
